For Business
A new Idea of Resilience
Manage your mental well-being,
decrease stress and boost your
quality of life
The demands of work have never
been greater…Stress and
overwork, mean more absenteeism,
burn out and staff churn.
of sick days are due to stress, depression or anxiety.
Source: MIND
of people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year
Source: MIND
of adults in the UK have had
suicidal thoughts.
Source: MIND
Work with ME to:
Decrease stress and improve quality of life for your staff
Create a progressive culture to de-stigmatise mental health at work
Get your teams to be agile and masterful at adapting to change
Improve collaboration, connectedness and confidence in your teams

resilience workshops
Explore what resilience means to you
Learn how to read your internal barometer
Create a framework to access your resilience
Construct a toolkit to build your resilience

Breathwork Sessions
Long-held emotional release
Emotional healing
More peace of mind
Be more present and connected
Join the list of happy clients
making a difference to
their people
“You start off a little scared,
Then you walk out grateful. Then
you can’t wait for the next one”
Ollie Scott - Founder, UNKNOWN